sensorfusion September 1, 2020 Camera-LiDAR sensor fusion 카메라-라이다 센서 퓨전 알고리즘 개발 중 테스트 영상 #camera #lidar #sensorfusion
hwcomms August 31, 2020 How to connect Computer to CAN Device by SocketCAN SocketCAN으로 차량 정보 받아오기 #ROS #SocketCAN #Communication
control August 30, 2020 Lane Keeping Assist Test Lane Keeping Assist Test #autonomous #deep_learning #adas #pure_pursuit
lidar August 29, 2020 Forward Collision Assist Test 전방 충돌 방지 보조 알고리즘 테스트 #autonomous #deep_learning #lidar #adas #fcw
control August 26, 2020 Local path planner [part1] state lattice를 활용한 local path planner 활용 #Lattice planner #Control planning #Planning Algorithm
vision August 11, 2020 What happens to lane detection when the car changes lane? (Augmentation) Augmentation for lane detection #vision #autonomous #augmentation #dgist
vision July 7, 2020 yolov3 using pytorch with ROS melodic yolov3 using pytorch with ROS melodic #autonomous #vision #ROS #ROS melodic
vision July 2, 2020 Probabilistic lane estimation from ENet-SAD's result How to draw probline from points #vision #probline #lane detection
vision June 24, 2020 Lane annotation tool making dataset in the same format as CULane #vision #annotation
blog June 20, 2020 Let's put the stickers on Ioniq Electric! 아이오닉에 스티커를 붙여보자. #ioniq_electric #sticker